Make serious cash. Meet new classmates. Do runs on your own time.
Customer Reviews at Apple AppStore
"One of the features that distinguishes JoyRun is its social feed."
"find out who, nearby, is already heading out to a restaurant that they like, then tack on an order of their own."
"JoyRun helps YOU make extra cash."
What is JoyRun?
JoyRun is a peer-to-peer delivery app. As a Runner, you help your friends, neighbors and community members, while you are out grabbing coffee, lunch, dinner, groceries or supplies.
Anyone can run, no application needed!
Running is your ideal way to earn money
Get Paid Next Day
Set your Own Schedule
Set your Own Fee
Make $20-$25 per hour. Enjoy getting paid in 24 hours with QuickPay- weekends included!
Do coffee, dinner grocery runs when you want, where you want.
I made over $10,000 on JoyRun. It has provided me a unique and stress-free way of making money and interacting with other students in my community.
I love the flexibility. I can do runs at any time of the day, on my own time. I make around $1,000 a month doing runs to my classmates. It is a fun way to earn money and it helps to pay cover my tuition and rent.